Combine fields and create records script setup

Combine Fields and Create Records

How to use

Note: Requires an Airtable Pro account as it utilizes the "Run a Script" action of automations.

1. Fill out the fields below and click the 'Generate' button. The script should now be copied and you should see a 'Text Copied!' notification.
2. In Airtable, create an automation with the appropriate trigger and add a 'Run a Script' option. Make sure to select a record that has data you want to combine and create records of!
3. On the left, add an input variable called 'ri' and give it the value of the triggering record's ID. Example
4. Paste the copied script into the code area
5. Click 'Test'. If you encounter any errors, double check the field names and delimiter you've keyed in. If you still encounter issues, send us a message here and we'll get back to you as soon as we can

Gumroad License Key

Data table

New Records table

Data field names

Field names for the created records

Link field to Data table
